Urban Planning

Urban Planning

Whether one begins with raw, undeveloped land or with an existing facility, master planning looks to the future. Master planning is the prediction of the demands on a site or facility in the future, and a step-by-step plan of what must occur to meet those demands. To determine the gap between what a facility is today and what it must be in the future requires in-depth assessment and analysis of the existing site or facility. Baker planners are adept at the systematic analysis of what exists today, as well as the art and science of projecting needs and their implications into the future.

At GIS Ltd. will apply Geographic Information Systems to all planning challenges, from Urban Renewal, Master Planning to Land Use Mapping and Analysis, and other planning projects. Our core competence in Urban and Regional Planning is aptly called URBAN GIS, which is application of GIS SOLUTIONS TO URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING.

We do not solely engage in traditional planning practice, where things are still done the old ways, but we are ready to provide and still providing GIS technical support services to all Town Planners and Town Planning Firms, who are desirous of applying cutting edge technology to their planning operations.

Master Planning

A. Urban Map Updating
The single most distinguishing characteristic of an Urban GIS is its ability to integrate information from many different sources and at many different levels of responsibility in an organization. Geography itself is a common reference used by virtually every activity in a local government or state. Our subsidiary, GDA Consulting has been involved in Urban Mapping for urban renewal and master planning projects in Lagos State in conjunction with MOLAJ CONSULTANTS.

Maps and data associated with locations are resources used daily for delivering public services, managing public resources and setting public policy in all tiers of government throughout the world. For instance, a subsidiary of GIS Limited, was involved a map updating project for a major telecommunication company, expanding its network in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The updating was restricted to road networks and buildings in all the litespans surveyed.

For your next map updating project, Contact our Company for professionally and technically sound services. We do not belong to categories of people using outdated paper maps and low resolution Google Earth imageries for map updating services.

B. Zoning Mapping
Most local governments use zoning regulations to guide growth and development within their jurisdictions in accordance with officially adopted long-range land use plans. While land use plans form the basis upon which future use of the land will be put, zoning is legally adopted restrictions on specific uses and building sizes in specific geographic areas, which allows planning agencies to either approve or reject specific development proposals.

GIS Limited prepares zoning maps of specific geographic areas in Lagos State and other major cities in Nigeria on demand. We also record or update zoning changes in these areas and other major cities as well.

Zoning changes may occur when the planning agencies feel that the existing restrictions are either too lenient or too strict for the interests of a neighbourhood.
The change is presented in graphical form in GIS environment, displaying the existing land use and zoning of the area, and the proposed zoning of the area. The zoning map is used by many people in many ways. Residents may use may use the map as a starting point to determine whether a proposed addition to their homes meet the city code.

Developers use the map to evaluate the development potential of parcels they may be interested in acquiring. Town Planning Consultants and other Professionals in built environment may use the map to evaluate the impacts of planning policy, and advise their clients on the optimal use of their land parcels.

For your next planning projects that require zoning maps in different data formats, Contact GIS Limited for one.

C. Land Use Mapping
Land use map is a major requirement in every type and level of physical development planning. From a national physical development plan to a subject plan at Federal level, a regional plan to a subject plan at State level, and a town plan to subject plan at Local level, land use map, building and dwelling count and urban population estimation are necessary ingredients for sustainable physical development planning.

The fast growth of the urban population is a major urban planning problem. Unplanned growth of the cities is also related to the lack of suitable tools to acquire useful information for urban growth control.

Therefore, it is not an overstatement that GIS technology is the efficient, effective and best tool to deploy for such planning projects and urban growth control. Our subsidiary, GDA Consulting has been involved either directly or indirectly in urban renewal projects, where GIS technology was extensively deployed.

GIS Limited also has land use maps for different cities in Nigeria. You can equally engage our services for current land use map of any specific geographic/planning area in Nigeria.

We design international standard land use maps for our clients using Land-Based Classification Standard (LBCS), which provides consistence classification methodology for land uses. Contact us for more details on land use mapping and land use data collection.

D. Building Survey, Dwelling Count and Urban Population Estimation
Physical development planning in most cases requires the counting of buildings and dwelling units in a specific planning area. The population estimation of such area is also important in order to plan and provide for adequate infrastructure facilities to cater for the present and future needs of inhabitants of such area, for sustainable human and physical development.

At Geographic Integrated Services Limited, we employ the use of remote sensing techniques in the execution of such project. We use high resolution satellite imageries such as QuickBird (0.6m) and Ikonos (1m) in the classification of homogeneous zones. Within each homogenous zone, a sector of about 10% area of the zone will be delineation to serve as sampling area.

The next step is to count the number of dwelling units per sector in QuickBird/Ikonos images. Then, the average number of persons per household of each sector is calculated by dividing the total population by the total number of dwelling units per sector. The population of each sector is estimated by multiplying the number of dwellings by the average per household occupancy ratio extracted from census data, according to the following equation:
P = N . M
 P = sector population.
N = Total number of dwelling units identified in QuickBird/Ikonos image.
M = average number of persons per household (from census data/socio-economic survey data).
Differences between estimates and census data are calculated.

If your physical development planning project requires building survey, dwelling count and urban population estimation, contact GIS Ltd. for a detailed proposal on how we can get the projects done quickly and smartly.

E. Build Out Analysis
GIS Ltd. can provide a build out map and analysis of major town and cities in Nigeria on request. A build out analysis is a series of GIS-based maps that illustrate a community’s current zoning, the land available for development and how it is zoned, and maximum development possible in a particular community if every piece of developable land was developed based on existing local zoning.

Accompanying the maps are projections of the numbers of residents, households, public school students and water use at build out. Build out analysis is a planning tool that demonstrates development as it could occur if no changes are made to current zoning. If you are interested in build out map and analysis of your community, Contact us for detailed proposal on this.

Land & Housing

A. Real Estate Geographic Information System (REGIS)
“The technology of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is integral to contemporary real estate practices and will become increasingly important in the 21st century. Like other emerging technologies, GIS promises transform how business is done, challenge past practice, create new specialized practice, create specialized fields of professional work and make others obsolete, introduce new products and services into the marketplace, and threaten the competitiveness of those who not adopt its power”
-Stephen E. Roulac (1990)

At GIS Limited, we not in business to threaten and challenge the competitiveness of existing Real Estate Surveyors and Valuers, but to increase their competitiveness by providing them REGIS services and data to change face of their service delivery to clients.

GIS applications for real estate have become important for three reasons: the information explosion, technological explosion and structural changes within the real estate industry. Without the power of GIS technology, real estate decision-makers are disadvantaged.

For application of GIS technology to real estate development and management, contact GIS Ltd. for a detailed proposal on how to transform the face of your real estate practice.

B. Land Records Management
Land is one of the most important factors of production, and it is central to the existence of man and development of the society. Therefore, accurate and sound management of land records should be uppermost in the heart of all agencies, organizations and individuals who have large stakes in landed matters.

GIS-based land record management is versatile and can be use to manage property taxation and valuation, title registration and transfer. We are experts and equally partner with others to give your organization the best land management system available. Contact us for proposal on your land management project.

C. Property Information Management System
GIS Ltd. provides consultancy services to estate management agencies and professionals in Nigeria. We can make you to discard your analogue method of keeping information your personal and organization vast properties. Analysis, accessibility and organization are made easy and simple using GIS technology.

We are at your service for the development and management of your organization properties using robust GIS technology. Contact us for a detailed proposal today.

D. Sales and Purchase
We provide sales and purchase services on housing and land for our clients. We partner with recognized professionals at sealing a hassle-free land and property acquisition. We also conduct due diligence for clients before the purchase of any landed property. Our duty is to provide a platform for buyers and sellers to meet, and use GIS technology to determine the best geographic area to prospect for land and property based on the needs of our clients.

Contact us today for our GIS-based sales and purchase services.

Environmental Studies

A. Environmental Management Report Preparation
Geographic Integrated Services Limited provides comprehensive impact assessment and evaluation services using GIS technology. We are equally versed in the preparation of planning technical report and detailed Environmental Impact Statement for deserving physical development proposals.

B. Socio-economic Baseline Survey
Our experience also extends into standard field socio-economic surveys, interpretation and analysis of all types of environmental data with special focus on evaluation and remediation of development impacts on environmental bio-organisms and sensitive habitats.

C. Environmental Sensitivity Index
Base on our robust GIS solutions; at Geographic Integrated Services Limited we carry out environmental sensitivity indexing to areas prone to environmental degradation to generate accurate data germane to sustainable development. Contact us for detailed proposal on any of your environmental challenge.